
The scultptor Adriano Bozzolo, from a tender age, has been surrounded by clay, chalk, marble and paint. He comes from a family of painters, sculptors and decorators, who worked on buildings in Lucerne, Strasbourg, Vienna and other distant places, They were travelling artists in whom the air and isolation of the high pre-alpine valleys had preserved toughness and candour.
The Varese artist's career began in 1954 when a sculpture over two metres high was erected in a public square. Then followed a vast output of statues and sacred objects: three sketches represent in the Papal Apartments and his statue of Saint Jerome in Candoglia marble which was mounted on a spire of Milan Cathedral.
Bozzolo has held 79 one man exhibitions among which, other than those mentioned above, the following can be noted; Zurich, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Friburg, Montreux, Sion, Saint Gallen, Basle, Lugano, Perugia, Parma, Rome, Munich. For a number of years he has concentrated on his painting, the "dance of the sea" and "sunsets" are the themes with which he is occupied at the moment.
- 1971 - A bronze "dancer" was placed in the dance exhibits room of the theatre museum of the Scala in Milan.
- 1972 - The Maternity Cycle is exhibited in the Patriziale Great Hall of Bellinzona.
- 1973 - The bronze sequence "Thirst for Light" is exhibited by the Raymond Duncan Gallery in Paris. The artist is invited to exhibit at the Kulturzentrum in Vienna.
- 1975 - The city of Milan mounts a retrospective exhibition at the Rotonda di Via Besana (over 100 bronzes).
- 1977 - The series, "Sun Rays" is exhibited at the Civica Galleria in Campione d'Italia.
- 1978 - A large statue, "Musical Explosion" is sited on the grand staircase of the Palazzo dei Congressi in Lugano.
- 1982 - The series "Large Suns" is presented in Lucerne.
- 1983 - Commissioned by the Radio of Italian Switzerland to produce a silver piece, "the match-seller's game".
- 1984 - The town of Eglisau purchases a bronze, "Large Sun" for the town museum.
- 1985 - Recent works exhibited at the Civic Museum of Villa Mirabello in Varese.
- 1987 - The President of the Committee of the Swiss States, the honourable Franco Masoni, and the President of the ltalian Senate, the Honourable Giovanni Spadolini, unveil the monument "for brotherly love among peoples" at the Italian-Swiss border crossing in Ponte Tresa.
- 1988 - A commemorative bas-relief is unveiled near the engineering college in Horw (Zentralschweizerisches Technikum Luzern).
- 1989 - Retrospective exhibition in the Cloisters of Voltorre (Varese). The sculpture "Maternity" is commissioned by the Swiss committee of UNICEF in Zurich.
- 1990 - The artist is invited to exhibit in the "Quinzaine culturelle de Courgenay", Switzerland.
- 1996 - Inaugurated the Pellini-Bozzolo Museum in Marchirolo (Varese).
- 1997 - Inaugurated the statue "Big Maternity" on the lake-front of Caslano (Svizzera).
- 1999 - The opera "The Song of Light" comes rewarded in Florence and exposed in Palazzo Vecchio, Salon of the 500
- 2000 - Exhibition at Villa Recalcati (Varese) organized by the Province of Varese
- 2001 - Exhibition at Lugano Bank - Lugano (Switzerland)
- 2007 - Anthologic Exhibition at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art - Castello di Masnago - Varese
- 2011 - He died on 2 February 2011
- 2017 - Donation of 30 works for the children of the "Ponte del Sorriso" at the "Ponte hospital" from Varese
- Varese, Galleria Internazionale
- Parma, Galleria Parma
- Caslano (CH), III Edizione“Appuntamento a Caslano"
- Milano, Fondazione Europa
- Perugia, Galleria Cecchini
- Carimate (CO), Castello di Carimate
- Campione d'Italia, Galleria Tonino
- Salsomaggiore, Galleria Europa
- Monaco di Baviera, Studio Kielmansegg
- Milano, Galleria Ars Italica
- Gallarate (Va), Galleria Arnetta
- Milano, Circolo della Stampa
- Caslano (CH), V Edizione "Appuntamento a Caslano"
- Bellinzona (CH), Sala Patriziale del Comune di Bellinzona
- Parigi, Galleria Raymond Duncan
- Friburgo (CH), Galerie de la Cathédrale
- Montreux (CH), Galleria Picpus
- Busto Arsizio (Va), Galleria Arnetta
- Aranno (CH), Anfiteatro di Aranno
- Coira (CH), Consolato Italiano
- Vienna, Oesterreichisches Kulturzentrum
- Sion (CH), Carrefour des Arts
- Ginevra, Galleria Art Mode
- Lugano (CH), Credito Svizzero
- Aranno (CH), Anfiteatro di Aranno
- Milano, Circolo della Stampa
- Milano, Rotonda di via Besana
- Basilea (CH), Credito Svizzero
- Lugano (CH), Credito Svizzero
- Zurigo (CH), Credito Svizzero
- Rapperswil (CH), Bank vom Linthgebiet
- Ascona (CH), Credito Svizzero
- Campione d'Italia, Civica Galleria
- Losanna (CH), Credito Svizzero
- Basilea (CH), Bankgesellschaft
- Ginevra (CH), Credito Svizzero
- Bellinzona (CH), Credito Svizzero
- Lugano (CH), Galleria dell'Elicottero
- Ponte Tresa (CH), Municipio di Ponte Tresa
- Bema (CH), Credito Svizzero
- Magadino (CH), Galleria Prometeo
- S. Gallen (CH), Banca Raiffeisen
- Varese, Galleria Tre
- Lucerna (CH), Credito Svizzero
- Zurigo (CH), Konferenz Zentrum Uetlihof S.K.A.
- Eglisau (CH), Comune di Eglisau
- Morcote (CH), Casa Caccia Rusca
- Aranno (CH), Anfiteatro di Aranno
- Ronco s/ Ascona (CH), Galleria Decorama
- Flims (CH), Park Hotel Waldhau
- Varese, Musei Civici di Villa Mirabello
- Caslano (CH), Galleria Castellania
- Locarno (CH), Gioielleria Bucherer
- Campione d'Italia, Galleria Civica
- Davos (CH), Galleria Promenade
- Gavirate (Va), Chiostro di Voltorre
- Courgenay (CH), Quinzaine culturelle
- Basilea, Credito Svizzero
- Le Mont (Losanna), Galleria dell'Atelier
- Chiasso (CH), Finter Bank Zúrich
- Bellinzona (CH), Banca Migros
- Lugano (CH), Finter Bank Ziirich
- Zurigo (CH), Spörri Interieur
- Banco di Lugano (CH)
- Galleria Tonino - Campione d'Italia
- Arzo (CH) - Galleria la Risciada
- Marchirolo (ITA) - Museo Pellini-Bozzolo
- Varese - Antologica Castello di Masnago